Tom's Triathlon Blog

Ironman Vichy 🇫🇷 Reloaded🤘

It was exactly 4 years ago when I stood at the starting line of the Ironman in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes. So it was a heat race without equal in its time, which I have come to love.
And then in 5 days, the Ironman Vichy reloaded.

What has changed?

New bike, new age group class, and a freshly reloaded bike course! The fact that the swimming direction has changed will hardly be noticeable, the running soles on the marathon are also likely to be stressed similarly, only that I may be carrying more system weight with me. But an important change, the bike course has been given a full update, the altitude meters have almost tripled and with 182 km has become a real challenge. This time it goes east to Saint-Nicolas-des-Biefs, probably on an even more scenic piece of France.

The race itself is only held for age group athletes only. with almost 1300 starts I am delighted to be able to wear the smallest start number I have ever had! Bib no. 38. What an honor, to the left-hand side on transition zone, the Swiss Mike Schifferle is located 🤘 – watch out!

ironman vichy bike course
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Tom Stark

Seit 20+ Jahren Triathlet und begeisterter Triathlon Coach. Zu meinen Erfolgen zählt das Finish von 20 Triathlon Langdistanzen, davon 8 mit einer Zeit von unter 10h. An zahlreichen Olympische Distanzen und Mitteldistanzen teilweise mit Top 50 Platzierungen oder den Sieg in der Altersklasse belegt.

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